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SEBS EOF works with students to facilitate a successful transition from high school to college. The academic courses below will introduce students to principles, practices, and skills that contribute to effective learning as well as enhance their academic experience here at Rutgers University.
11:364:101 Fundamentals of Academic Success in Sciences (Summer), 3 crs.
This course is designed to assess and facilitate incoming EOF student success in the sciences. The course engages pedagogy that integrates the disciplines of mathematics, science, and English to facilitate student understanding of what it takes to be a science scholar, including the enhancement of study skills for college. Board work, discussion, collaborative engagement, and analytical writing will promote understanding and individual reflection for success in the sciences.
11:364:106 First-Year Student Success I (Fall), 1 cr.
The First-Year Student Success Seminar is designed to assist incoming freshman with a successful transition to collegiate life through class assignments, readings, and projects. Sessions will build upon each student’s individual skills as determined by discussions, academic performance and observed social skills. The curriculum will integrate various subject matter, along with the student’s personal life to promote and develop cognitive study skills necessary for course work in mathematics and science.
11:364:107 First-Year Student Success II (Spring), 1 cr.
A continuation of academic sessions designed to facilitate entering student’s successful transition to collegiate life. In addition to re-addressing selected topics from FYSS I in the fall semester, topics of graduation/career planning, financial literacy, and EOF legacy will be incorporated using both in-class and online sessions. The curriculum will promote and develop cognitive study skills necessary for coursework in mathematics and science. In addition, the course aims to enhance student’s ability to connect classroom activities with real-life situations to develop communication and leadership skills, adding to their personal and intellectual growth.
11:364:108/109 Transfer Student Seminar (Fall/Spring), 1 cr.
Designed to engage students new to Rutgers University and the School of Environmental & Biological Sciences, this course introduces processes by which individuals learn, highlights on-campus resources, professional networking and promotes community, all foundational to academic success. The course is geared towards transfer students in a semi-individualized, small discussion/seminar format.
11:364:110 Emerging Topics in Environmental Science (Summer), 2 crs.
This course provides an introductory understanding of the importance of new topics including resiliency and areas of transformation needed for tomorrow’s world. Inter-disciplinary concepts will be explored to understand societal vulnerabilities and practices to be competitive and successful individuals.
11:364:112/113 SEBS EOF Academic Support (Fall/Spring), 1 cr.
Supplemental support will be offered to help students develop mathematical thinking skills and understanding needed for college math. Topics will align with course content from current Rutgers math syllabi. This course is intended to provide students with instruction that supports success in the registered math course.
11:364:254 Critical Thinking in Sciences (Spring), 1cr.
Students will learn concepts of evaluation, reasoning, and conclusion formation, while incorporating topics of interest as they relate to science, technology, and society from the local to global levels. Through readings, quizzes, and written responses, contemporary arguments will be explored and analyzed.